The Whispers of the Heart
Lately I felt the urge to write. I started writing a couple of times, sat there for hours. And wrote but I could never get myself to finish what I started because I was overthinking it. I had lost the habit of just writing as it comes.
Out of frustration, I questioned myself regarding my creative approach. What was my basis on the few notes I had found?
It appeared to me that I would write from a place of hurt, pain, questioning and self reflection.
And suddenly it all made sense: Ma petite madeleine de proust! Even though it came from a place of discomfort I was thrilled, amazed to notice that no matter how deep I buried this way of expression, it would always come to me, and be liberating.
Writing is vital, it allows me to converse with my heart. The joy, the peace of mind, that it brings for being close to my honest self, to my inner child, to my first love, to my emotions. Such a long time of repressing the whispers of my heart, only to confirm the importance of writing. Therefore, from this day on, I finally resolve myself to let go of the past disappointments and fears and just express myself as it comes.
So here I am, making my timid debut, at last!